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                1. 首页
                2. 关于我们
                3. 淘博简介

                000101.png ABOUT TOPID


                杭州淘博工业设计有限公√司是拥有浙江知名高校背景下的职业化设计团队,创立于2013年中旬,立志通过团队技术协作帮助企业提升企业⌒ 品牌、产品研发、知识产权等企业实际切实需求,通过几年团队磨合和企业项目案例实践,已经具备中大型企业外编“智囊团”的角▽色扮演,当下已经成为几家规上、新三板及上市公司的设计合作战略伙伴,也为诸多创业公司〗、初创公司提供了良好的解决方案。



                Hangzhou Topid Industrial Design Co., Ltd. is a professional design team under the background of famous universities in Zhejiang Province. Founded in mid 2013, it is determined to help enterprises improve their brand, product development, intellectual property and other actual needs through team technical cooperation. Through several years of team running in and enterprise project case practice, Hangzhou Topid Industrial Design Co., Ltd, It has played the role of "Intelligent brain" for medium and large enterprises. Now it has become the design and cooperation strategic partner of several regulatory, new third board and listed companies, and also provides good solutions for many start-ups and start-ups.

                Relying on the platform of two provincial key laboratories of Zhejiang University of science and technology, Topid now has excellent technical consulting resources in Colleges and universities, Hangzhou industrial design elites and many practical designers, and has won many international and domestic design awards, forming a team with good original ability and original technology realization ability, The team has served as local science and Technology Commissioner for many times; Through innovation voucher and school enterprise cooperation, we can reduce the design and operation costs for enterprises, and provide differentiated services such as school enterprise cooperation strategic contract, school enterprise cooperation listing, school enterprise cooperation fund invoice, and various patent applications for high-tech application and review of enterprises.

                It is hoped that the future Topidneng will worry about the enterprise, and escort the development of the enterprise through the team's technical ability, collaborative development ability and brand design ability. The company with the longest love is to pay each other, and the advertisement with the longest love is to accompany each other.

                000101.png OUR  STROY  






                淘博设计∑团队的人员构成为:产品造型设计⊙师、结构工程师、品牌√设计师、产品动㊣ 画设计师、展示设计师及兼职协〒同研发的电子工程师,满足常规企业从产品初期资讯、方向选择及后期打●样、产品宣传材料筹备☆及参加各类展会所需的视频动画资料等设计需求。


                Topid was founded by Mr. Chen Lingjiang of Zhejiang University of science and technology in the early stage, and existed as a studio in the early stage.

                It's not a famous school, but it's a famous school! Chen Lingjiang graduated from Zhejiang University of Technology (under the guidance of Lu Chunfu, Huang Wei, Li Juan and other well-known professors), and graduated from the school of design and art of Hunan University (under the guidance of Yang Xiongyong, he Renke, Zhao Jianghong, Xiao Dihu, Zhao Gang and other well-known professors). During my study, I participated in a number of top 500 design and development projects at home and abroad.

                Joining Zhejiang University of science and technology in 2007 is the studio stage of Topid design, and also the embryonic incubation process of the company. With the help of the platform of Zhejiang University of science and technology, it provides design services and technology development services for some enterprises, and gradually grows into a design team with certain industry popularity through actual combat.

                In 2013, registered design company, entered the formal operation stage. At present, there are 9 full-time designers and a number of part-time electronic developers. They have won a number of design awards at home and abroad. At present, they are small and medium-sized science and technology enterprises in Zhejiang Province and have a certain reputation in the industry.

                Topid's design team consists of product designers, structural engineers, brand designers, product animation designers, display designers and part-time collaborative R &amp; D electronic engineers, meeting the design needs of conventional enterprises from the initial product information, direction selection and later proofing, product publicity materials preparation and video animation materials for participating in various exhibitions.

                This website has initially become a platform for the team to display their own works, and also tries to become a good search engine for design information and cases.

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                Topid design is an innovative and pragmatic design team backed by Zhejiang University of science and technology. The members of the design team are mainly teachers from universities in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. They graduated from well-known design institutions in China. They have rich practical experience and theoretical basis, and provide a number of social services for many enterprises, including product consulting, product development, mechanical structure design, mechanical structure design, mechanical design and so on The research and development of cutting-edge technology and the application of national, provincial and municipal science and technology projects have achieved very good social influence and social benefits.

                淘博设计根植于浙江省良好的区域经济,活跃的国营、民营经济让我们有了丰富★的实践土壤,我们ξ 站在一定的高度,诚意与各地ζ方企业共同携手,创造更加辉煌的明天!

                Topid design is rooted in the good regional economy of Zhejiang Province. The active state-owned and private economy gives us rich practical soil. We stand at a certain height and sincerely join hands with local enterprises to create a more brilliant tomorrow!

                浙江科技学院是〖一所以工科为主,集工、理、文、经济、管理、教育◇为一体的多学科全日制省属本科院校,其前身为成立于1980年的浙江大学ζ 附属杭州工业专科学校。学校坚定不移地走特色︼办学之路,逐步形成借鉴德国应用科学大学(FH)办学经验,结合中国国情,培养具有创新精神、实践能力和国际素养的∩高素质应用型人才的办学特色。学校被列为教育部首批“卓越工程▅师教育培养计划”实施高校。

                Zhejiang University of science and technology is a multi-disciplinary full-time provincial undergraduate college with engineering as the main subject, integrating engineering, science, arts, economy, management and education. Its predecessor is Hangzhou Polytechnic College Affiliated to Zhejiang University, which was established in 1980. The university has unswervingly taken the road of running a school with its own characteristics and gradually formed the school running characteristics of training high-quality application-oriented talents with innovative spirit, practical ability and international quality by learning from the school running experience of German University of Applied Sciences (FH) and combining with China's national conditions. The university has been listed as one of the first batch of "excellent engineer education and training plan" implemented by the Ministry of education.


                The school is located in Hangzhou, a famous historical and cultural city known as paradise on earth. There are three campuses, covering an area of 1469 mu. The main campus is located at the foot of Xiaohe mountain in the west of the city. It is close to the mountain and by the water. It has beautiful scenery. The total construction area of the campus is nearly 430000 square meters, the total value of teaching equipment is 169 million yuan, the library has 1.01 million paper books, 940000 e-books and more than 1900 Chinese and foreign periodicals. There are 11 secondary colleges and 3 teaching departments (centers). There are 43 undergraduate majors. At present, there are more than 14000 full-time students and more than 400 international students.

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